
It gets you started.
It keeps you going.
Without interest, there is nothing in this world that you can do by heart! You can never keep going satisfactorily in anything without interest.
But sometimes in life, we choose things that we have no interest in. We try to develop some interest and many a times we get successful too but later on we realize that it was temporary. Temporary interest can be developed with proper concentration and determination but as is clear by the name i.e. temporary, it doesn’t last. We try again. And so on.
Trying helps. It helps us in achieving what we want. We get results but don’t get satisfied. We don’t get happy with what we have done. We don’t get excited about the outcome. We don’t feel craving rather it feels like a duty. We don’t live actually, without ‘interest.’
Interest directly relates with enthusiasm, fun, happiness and satisfaction.
I like to write. I have interest in writing. It has been like a part of my life and i love it. i feel every undescribable emotion in this world when i write. I feel complete. It feeds my soul to the deep. It feels like through writing, i talk with my soul. Everyday and everytime when i write, i get to know myself better. I meet a different version of me in every writings of mine. Its all because i have interest in it that makes me feel exhilarating about it.
Interest is a cool thing. It can change you! Your life too!

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